Thursday 15 October 2015

Code Club

EA Networks sponsored students to take part in a computer code club at Ashburton College on Thursday 15 th October, after school.  Riley from our class went and a student from each of the other Senior classes.

Riley said that it was the first time he had done coding. He made a singer sing, a drum make music and created a stage as a backdrop. He had to put all the coding in the right order or it didn't work. He listened to one of the speakers talk about Christchurch teenagers who created an App that Apple bought. They made a lot of money.

We learnt how to use the program 'Scratch' at home too. We are going to be tutors for our Code Club at school. 
Riley is looking forward to seeing the newspaper with the photo of the Code Club at College.

Descriptive Writing

We have been creating interesting sentences that describe setting. We are trying to use words that we haven't used very often and that make it easy for the reader to imagine where we are.

I crossed the rough mountain path and avoided the hard bitten river. - Riley.

I crossed the prehistoric mountain path and avoided the soundless river. - Anastasia.

I crossed the unstable mountain path and avoided the bottomless river. - Maddy.

I crossed the sandiest mountain path and avoided the frantic river. - Maihi.

I crossed the freezing mountain path and avoided the horrifying river. - Koby.