Thursday 14 May 2015

Having fun with Maths budgets

Byron wanted to buy baby clothes, juice, chocolate, chips, wine for Mrs C, and that would be all of his $50.

Amelia had $1000. Her favourite three items are: flower covered car seats, some fake skulls and an air compressor. She thought they would be very useful for Halloween night.

Riley spent $50 on cat food, fizzy drink, a phone at a bargain price, and 1kg of mushrooms. 

Todd had $500. He wanted an X box, a wifi hotspot, a wall charger, and an external drive. He wasn't as hungry as Byron and Riley's cat. 

 Jayden had $50. He dreamed about getting some chicken, some wine for his lucky mum, pasta, a burger and some toilet cleaner.

De-lyna wanted to help people out by buying Nappy pants in case a parent visiting the school needed some for their child.

For $500 Brooke bought a Paddington DVD, a phone cover for her mum and a pair of black leather shoes for going out in. Zara thought she would be able to buy  new slippers, a Mrs Brown's Boys DVD for her dad, a music DVD for her mum and a smoothie from a fast food outlet for $50.
James thought this kind of maths was fun because he was 'shopping' with his friends and they got heaps of things. Mia liked the challenge of finding things for a budget. Koby thought it was cool to work out the things he could buy after he had earned real money when he went wood chopping.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rm9 On behalf of the PTA thank you for writing those awesome letters about the new classroom games you received recently. The PTA loved how you took the time to show your appreciation of our hard work. The PTA loves working hard to raise extra money to help all our students experience new things and expand their learning. Keep up the hard work Rm 9 - you are awesome. :-) Hampstead School PTA
