Thursday 25 June 2015

Bald Eagle Acrostic poem

When I wrote this acrostic poem I had to search up facts on Google Chrome. This helped me to find words that started with the letters of Bald Eagle. I didn't know Bald Eagles were endangered.

Beak as sharp as claws
Amazing sites it goes
Legend claws
Deadly as a tiger club

Eyes like a tally scoop
Above your eye sites
Glides as fasst as a plane. 56-70km/h
Length 30-34 inch

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Amelia's Holiday Adventure

Taking Off

Whoosh, the sound of the roaring engines on the plane was deafening and the force of the plane moving forward on the runway pushed me back into my seat. I clutched the armrest of my seat because I was surprised and scared as I wasn’t expecting it to be so fast or so powerful.

Then I looked out of the small curved window and saw a blur as we sped past the airport buildings and the motionless planes parked there. The next thing I knew I was on a big lean backwards because the nose and the front wheels of the plane were pointed up in the air while the back wheels and tail were not, we were taking off! Ever so suddenly the other plane wheels lifted off the ground and we started to climb high towards the light blue sky.

I felt light headed with a queasy tummy because I was afraid the plane was going to crash with the nose of the plane still pointed so much higher up than the tail. 

As we climbed higher and higher I heard the dull roar of the engines and I looked out of the window at the city below. There were lots of cars moving around on the road and they looked like multi coloured ants running around! Still higher and higher we climbed then ever so slowly the plane started to turn and straighten up and fly steadily towards its destination.

As I listened to the quite humming of the engines I looked out of the window, down past the fluffy white clouds at the snow covered mountains far below us.

I felt happy and excited because I was flying. I couldn’t believe that I had been though my very first take off and it was AWESOME! Though this was only the start of my journey I wondered where my adventures would lead me to next.

By Amelia Swan     

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Our Acrostic Poetry

Mary has created a very interesting acrostic poem. She used ideas from her reading group book to help her gain information about the ants.

Fighting like Mexican mustangs

Invincible ants

Ravenous  for sugar.

Eager for adventure.

Attracting other ants

Nagging other ants to get out of the way.

Throwing tantrums at predators.

Scheming a plan to get food.

We are Proud of our Work

Cohan worked hard to make his handwriting look just like the text on the page.

Xanita and Mia gave their absolute best during our Cross Country.

De-lyna and James followed instructions carefully and supported each other when making headbands from flax during weaving.

Joshua, Koby and De-lyna were careful to share their quality ideas neatly in their books.

How We Like to Play

Jayden and James love to climb up high so they can see what the staff are having for morning tea.

Koby joins the queue so he can be an Ace at table tennis.

Todd and Koby show our new student, Justine, how they work as a team to reach for goals.

Rose is just hanging around waiting for the bell to go.

Shalom shows us that she knows that Maths is all about parallel lines and balance.

Proud to be pink to show our support for anti-bullying

We had fun finding our pink clothes and creating amazing pink hats, putting on our stunning pink wigs to show that we know how to just be what we want to.

Mrs C always tells us we are a caring class that knows how to treat others with kindness and respect.