Tuesday 23 June 2015

Amelia's Holiday Adventure

Taking Off

Whoosh, the sound of the roaring engines on the plane was deafening and the force of the plane moving forward on the runway pushed me back into my seat. I clutched the armrest of my seat because I was surprised and scared as I wasn’t expecting it to be so fast or so powerful.

Then I looked out of the small curved window and saw a blur as we sped past the airport buildings and the motionless planes parked there. The next thing I knew I was on a big lean backwards because the nose and the front wheels of the plane were pointed up in the air while the back wheels and tail were not, we were taking off! Ever so suddenly the other plane wheels lifted off the ground and we started to climb high towards the light blue sky.

I felt light headed with a queasy tummy because I was afraid the plane was going to crash with the nose of the plane still pointed so much higher up than the tail. 

As we climbed higher and higher I heard the dull roar of the engines and I looked out of the window at the city below. There were lots of cars moving around on the road and they looked like multi coloured ants running around! Still higher and higher we climbed then ever so slowly the plane started to turn and straighten up and fly steadily towards its destination.

As I listened to the quite humming of the engines I looked out of the window, down past the fluffy white clouds at the snow covered mountains far below us.

I felt happy and excited because I was flying. I couldn’t believe that I had been though my very first take off and it was AWESOME! Though this was only the start of my journey I wondered where my adventures would lead me to next.

By Amelia Swan     


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. WOW! That sounds really cool Amelia! - Mahalia
    Nice adjectives!!! - River
    Wow! Impressive writing Amelia - Ty
    I really like your similes about the multi-coloured ants and the cars! - Eden and Saiyan
    Wow. That sounds pretty fun! - Jack

    Keep up the AWESOME work! - River

    Incredible writing Amelia. We really liked reading your descriptive story! - Miss Dobbin

    From Room 6 :)
